AVX Aircraft and Xiphos Partners Team to develop “FleetSpace powered by METIS”

Celebrate! AVX Aircraft Company and Xiphos Partners, Inc. have formally entered into a teaming agreement to develop "FleetSpace powered by METIS", a powerful mission planning, fleet management, and maintenance optimization tool enhanced by advanced data analytics and predictive logistics capabilities.
AVX has been developing FleetSpace for the US Army over the past two years, working closely with a number of Academia and Industry partners. Bringing Xiphos and their incredible METIS advanced logistics software in as partners tremendously enhances the capabilities of the FleetSpace Suite.
Pictured are members of the AVX/Xiphos Leadership Teams, from lower left and rotating clockwise: A.P. Camele, Tim Sprau, Don Taylor, Rod Skotty, Dan Cardiello, Kendall Goodman, Steve Skiptunas, Steve Schultz